FKN Army Giveaway | Toyota Hilux
We are so excited to announce our official winner : @biebsbotha
We want to thank EVERY SINGLE person that joined our Army, shared our giveaway, posted on social media and donated to our cause! You have been monumental to our success and you have created so much awareness for our community!
If you didn’t win, do not worry, there will be MANY MANY MORE giveaways to come! We are here to stay! We know that our efforts will go where they are most needed!

Terms and Conditions Apply
Click below to view all conditions
Follow Us:
Tik Tok: Malcom – @malcolm_fkn_wentzel Kiki – @kiki_la_coco
Instagram: Malcom – @malcolm_fkn_wentzel_official Kiki – @kiki.lacoco Jaco
Facebook: @thewentzelfamily